Wine on Twitter is boring

'Wine' Roland Mucciarelli
3 min readNov 11, 2022
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Twitter is owned by Elon Musk, and in a few days he canceled the board of directors, fired a quarter of the employees, created chaos with the blue check for at least $ 8 a month. So it occurred to me to do an episode on wine-themed tweets to understand how it’s going. But first of all Twitter will change or not? Are they the usual Elon trolls? Can anyone impersonate off as someone else by simply paying $ 8?

The new owner is quite well known for his weird tweets, a bit like a troll to be honest, and it’s never quite clear how much he’s playing or how serious he is. Well, a few days ago he tweeted that he said he was thinking of charging $ 20 a month to have the blue badge next to his name, but many didn’t like it. Among the many to complain was Stephen King, who has almost 7 million followers.

Now, apart from the fact that the story is really surreal, but being Elon Musk we shouldn’t even be surprised, my consideration is that yes, maybe Musk has projects for Twitter, which in reality has never been profitable, but it would have been nice to see first some news, and then ask to pay. But I understand that I don’t…



'Wine' Roland Mucciarelli

Blogger+Podcaster about wine and technology driving Wine Business at the next level